A change of perception through an Andean Initiation, simple and profound

It's 21 days of a rebirth of the heart, of making the mind lighter and quieter and detoxing the body and feeling Life.

The 21 Days are an ancient Andean Initiation, carefully translated to the current reality.

Enjoy the Plenitude

September 2024

This seed is legendary, it has crossed immense spaces and times, and comes to you pure and full, so that you awake to the natural wisdom that beats in your Heart.
In these 21 days, we offer you the opportunity to use your daily life to reintegrate the best version of yourself and ENJOY the brief passage of time and place in which you were born and live.

Personal purification

Sacred adventure

The 21 Days are an exercise in alchemical transformation by the Andean Solar School, so that you can return to your maximum level of energy and delight, enjoyment and wisdom of life.

Living poetically: at work, in relationships, in meditation, in prayer, in life, is a heroism in times when it is fashionable to be opaque"

Andean Masters

Here, a transmission from the Andes opens up, an inner pilgrimage. Brief moments of awakened consciousness.

Enjoy the Plenitude

21 Days

Who is this 21 Days for?
For those seeking...

September 2024

The originary peoples, connected to the Earth and its cycles, felt that there are certain periods that are more favorable for purification. This is how we do our 21 Days Practice, with energy, alimentary and emotional cleansing, together with the preparation of all beings for the arrival of fall and spring.

Why do a detox? For the freedom to feel; to detoxify my mind and emotions; to empty myself and free my heart; to smile again, to live, to create, to dance; to give thanks again for the mysterious and maternal Life!

Every time we do sincere inner work, we unite our intention with the Pachamama Consciousness and we are an active and loving part of the fight for Life.

An inner pilgrimage that purifies


Practitioners throughout the 42 editions


Countries doing the 21 Day Practice in 4 languages

Years of practice, at every equinox



Loving support from the guides

In your own home. The proposal of 21 days is done within daily life revealing the spiritual epic, the sensitive gaze in the most ordinary moments.

Where is the
Practice done?

The Practice takes place through fluid and sustained attention to the depths of your Being, regardless of whether you're at home, on the way to work, in a remote village or in the middle of a large urban center.

For 21 days, thousands of practitioners throughout the world connect to this sensitive network. The journey, even though each person makes it in their daily life, is collective, intimate and aimed to the subtle changes.

Daily readings, practices and meditations begin every morning, as well as weekly meetings via Zoom.

3. Crossing

2. Material

Access the guide content: videos, PDF books, playlist, meditation audio.

Until the end of the practice, you will be followed personally by the Andean Masters through weekly emails.

4. Support

How this



By participating online, you will receive a Digital Book. The book is the heart of the Practice, it contains the texts and the guide for each of the 21 days. The Andean Masters come to your life, dance with your soul so you blossom…

1. Registration

Sign up and access the Hotmart platform.

"The Practice has helped me to be in the Now... I'm in a moment of full, long and beautiful days. Returning to the state of poetry is renewing my outlook! Often the serious inner voice, the boring side... "fights" with the light poetry, I confess. But I return to the river... Constantly. Gently. Mamitas' voice helps!"

Shyrlei Germano
Porto Alegre/ Brazil

What will you find?

Daily poetic teachings, precious lessons, everyday practices. With the support of a guide book, you'll be invited to meditate every day and open up your sensitivity. As well as the digital book, you'll receive a meditation, playlist, energy exercise video and access to live meetings.

The book is simple, poetic, with a new theme for each equinox and is divided into two parts: the first part of the book contains the preface, lessons and exercises that guide us to understand the theme of this edition.

The second part of the book contains the daily texts, where the practitioner receives the living water of affection, the vital stimulus and the poetic guidance to enjoy the present moment.

Digital book

Don't expect a conventional practice.

This is not a marketing product, it is a revelation of the secrets to Live Well, from the Andean Grandfathers and Grandmothers, so you can begin to dream a Life of Sacred Adventure.

Choose the best payment method:

Every 7 days you can send a report of how the practice is going, the Andean Masters will help you on this journey and you can freely ask questions in the members area.

Weekly Follow-up
with Andean Masters


To make the practice light and deep, there will be a playlist selected especially for this theme. In addition to the songs, you will find a recorded meditation to perform with eyes closed and heart smiling.

Selection of special music and guided meditation

To facilitate physical and energetic cleanses and physical invigoration, there will be a cookbook and food recommendations.

During these days, we're going to give careful attention to food, to this joy that comes from Pachamama, to keep the body healthy and open to the energy of the BEING that we are.

PDF Recipe Book


A spiritual energetic movement designed to broaden the consciousness and free it from its bonds in order to be able to silence.

In the Andes, pampachay or kriyas are used to heal the spiritual, energetic and consciousness unbalance and malnutrition that comes from our disconnection with Her.

Pampachay (Kriya)
on video


We allow poetic life to gently penetrate us and let its sweetness make us inebriated with Life.



September 2024 edition
of 21 Days:

Download the songs and the guided meditation to your computer, mobile or tablet.

  • Access to the 21 Day Practice in the members' area for 12 months
  • The book has 270 pages
  • Individual follow-up
  • Bonus: Selection of songs to follow the Practice
  • Bonus: Recipe book in PDF
  • Bonus: Guided meditation
  • Bonus: Video with energetic exercise class (Kriya)

The 21 Days start on September 1st

Registration until September 1st

Click on the button to find out the price in your country

Questions and Answers

You'll receive the book with the general guidelines and daily lessons, as well as the supplementary material, as soon as you sign up via this website.

When will I receive the material?

No. During these days we're going to give loving, careful attention to our diet in order to keep this body healthy and open to the energy of the BEING that we are. But that's not the point of the 21 Days. We are an integrated unit, the body is part of this unit, another wave of the ocean of being. It's vital that you detoxify yourself from the ego and the material toxins that enter through your mouth, your nose, your ears, your eyes and your mind. This whole toxic universe is not there by chance. The possibility of maintaining a healthy body with energy, with grace, is easily accessible to those who take this first step of detoxification and continue to go deeper until they hear the voice of their heart and that of Pachamama, which is the same joyful and wise voice.

Is it a diet?

The most interesting thing is to sign up with the intention of having a few days before the first day of the Practice to start reading the introductory texts so that you're ready to delve deeper into each day's adventure. The Practice is made up of introductory texts and one lesson per day over the 21 Days. This introductory part presents the practice as a whole and guides meditation, kriya, eating, walking, and can be read before the first daily lesson and re-read whenever you feel like it.

When should I start reading the book?

Because on our own we don't have the energy to awaken the Pachamama Consciousness, the Group Consciousness capable of transforming the bonds between us and with Existence.

Why do we all do it together?

Yes, at special times like February and August we go on pilgrimage, creating meetings, charlas, experiences, bringing the burning affection for Pachamama and the invitation to purify at the equinoxes, which is one of the experiences of the Andean Mystic School: the Practice of the 21 Days. We've been practicing it for 20 years in Brazil and around the world. If you want to organize an event in your city, your neighborhood or even in your casita, invite us. It's time to sow encounters.

Can I organize a 21 Days event in my city?

Can't find your questions?

Talk to us now and we'll get back to you

soon via Whatsapp:

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